Soul What? feat Joonatan Rautio konsertti, ”What Lies Ahead” julkaisukiertue

23 August 2016

Soul What? feat Joonatan Rautio konsertti, ”What Lies Ahead” julkaisukiertue

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Soul What? feat Joonatan Rautio konsertti, ”What Lies Ahead” julkaisukiertue

19:00 – 21:00

Schauman Hall

10,50/13,50/18,50/21,50 €Buy tickets now!

ELive Music/Martin Söderbacka

Soul and jazz with the soulful voice of Mikael Svarvar and improvisations with some of the best jassmusicans in Finland, Joonatan Rautio and Toni Porthén.
The whole concert is tied together with clever pieces written by Martin Söderbacka and Eevalotta Matikainen.

Mikael Svarvar – song, wurlitzer piano,  Eevalotta Matikainen – bas, Martin Söderbacka – guitar, Toni Porthén – drums, Joonatan Rautio – saxofon